Client Spotlight



Miles first started at Caring Pathways when he was still in school and tried out our dayhab during Spring Break. According to his mother, Miles enjoyed his time so much that he started full-time with us in June of that year! Miles’ mother, Catherine, heard about Caring Pathways when we were still underway. She happened to be in the area where we were located and was invited in to view the facilities.

When asked why she chose Caring Pathways over other day programs, she explained that she liked “the idea of keeping the clients engaged and busy and not just sitting around. There’s an area where there’s singing and music. This is exactly what I was looking for. It was light & bright while the other [dayhabs] were dark, old and dingy.”

The staff-client ratio played a key role in how Catherine selected which program for Miles to attend daily. She referred to the other dayhabs in the areas as having “too many clients in most of them. My son is very quiet and he would just be lost in the shuffle. He wouldn’t be noticed. So I didn’t really want to send him there.”

When asked why she chose to bring Miles to Caring Pathways full time, Catherine spoke highly of our staff!

“The caregivers really pay attention to the clients. They really do care. They’re really loving and they have different activities for them. They know each client’s personality because they have that lower client-caregiver ratio. They know the clients so they know Miles doesn’t like arts & crafts so they don’t make him do the arts & crafts!”

We asked Catherine which part of Caring Pathways is Miles’ favorite and she said,

“He likes the music and he likes the sorting activities! He likes being with the group. He’s sort of watching but not really engaging. He does enjoy the people-watching!”

Through Caring Pathways, Miles has been able to reconnect with past classmates from his school days!

“I’ve really enjoyed seeing some of the other clients. I remember some of them from some of his other classes in CFBISD.  Here’s Michael & Romario all grown up! They’re all so different & unique. I just really enjoy & appreciate that. They all have different talents and things they like. Different little quirks,” said Catherine.

Catherine also shared with us how CP has benefitted not only her son, but also her life too by providing a new sense of community.

“I’ve met some really nice parents. I enjoy the parties & just trying to participate. I especially enjoy the [parent get-together] lunches! I just reconnected with John Paul’s mother. She and I were in a playgroup for babies with Down Syndrome 25 years ago!”

According to Catherine, she’s learned more about how to help Miles by connecting with other parents. “They have great expertise, working with benefits, very knowledgeable and helpful. I love that,” Catherine said.

Catherine described how important of an addition Caring Pathways has been to their life as a family. According to Catherine, Caring Pathways is “a safe place for Miles to enjoy his day which also enables me to work. I don’t have to worry about him, and can focus on my job. I know he’s in great care!”

Miles has taught Catherine so much about life and how to enjoy her time.

“Miles has Down Syndrome & Autism. And I just learn so much from him and listening to everybody else. You learn patience. With Miles, you learn to just slow down and not be in such a rush. Maybe do less because it’s okay! Slow down and enjoy life. Don’t get too caught up in the minute details.”